Activo Digital

by Activo Digital



SEND MONEY TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIESWith this application you can send remittances to the aforementioned countriesin an easy, simplified and safe way.HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU RECEIVEThis application will allow you to know how much money the recipients account will receive,You just have to enter the data and country of the receiving account, the type and amount of money you wantchange, and the calculation is automatic.YOUR SHIPMENTS IN TIME RECORDSEnjoy being able to send money easily and safely, our platform guarantees your transactions.SAVE FREQUENT CONTACTSThe information of your family and friends will be saved, facilitating and simplifying the next money transfers.MONITORING THE STATUS OF YOUR SHIPMENTSFrom the app you can use the refresh icon to update the status of your shipment, additionally you will be notifiedvia mail when your order is processed.RECEIVE BANK PROOFYou will receive through the mail registered in our app, the link or link of the image of the bank receipt.TRANSACTION HISTORYYou will have the history of the transactions carried out.